And we are live!

I am pleased to announce that my hobby has taken a little step toward becoming a business.  Well, maybe a big step since it is a recognized business by the State and I launched an online store.

After years of sourcing products to setup tenor banjos for Irish trad playing, I found that I often had to buy from multiple vendors which meant multiple shipping charges.  So, I started stocking many of the items that I used often.  I have identified these products by testing them on a variety of different makes and models banjos.  Through that testing, I was able to narrow down that a few items typically perform very well on a large variety of banjos.  So, these are the products that I now stock.

Also because of that testing, I now have good first-hand knowledge to be able to offer product recommendations for your banjo.  This is the real reason behind the online store.  I hope to provide a "one-stop-shop" where you can get everything you need for your banjo, from the product to the setup.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will continue to add to our product offering.  I am starting with the standard items and will move to the more specialized and custom product offerings.  Do you have a favorite product?  Or, is there a product you think I should carry?  Let me know by leaving a comment here!

I love talking banjos so feel free to reach out to me anytime.  My email ( is at the bottom of our webpage, or you can find me on Facebook as Trad Banjo.  Blog posts are better with a picture, so that is one of the first banjos that I sold, a Vega Professional.  It required minor restoration with fret work and complete setup, it is a cracker of banjo!


  • Dan hi,
    Just to let you know that I received the paramount banner blue safely. Thanks for packaging and labelling so well. Gave it a little warm up with a few jigs and reels. Sounds great. Will probably make a few small adjustments. Looking forward to playing it.

    Peter MacMillan
  • Hi Dan. I have been following you on YouTube for sometime but did not realise how far you have progressed until yesterday. On Facebook on the Learning the Irish Fiddle group there was a clip of a session in Carlisle PA. I recognised you on the banjo. It made me look some more and I found your website. We must have started at much the same time and yes I have restored a few banjos myself. But you have surpassed me by some margin. I wish you the best of luck.

    David Jackson

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